公司名称: |
上海京世康展览展示服务中心  |
所在省份: |
上海 |
成立日期: |
2019 |
注册资金: |
少于100万 |
员工数量: |
少于5人 |
年销售额: |
少于100万 |
主要产品: |
展览展示服务,会务服务,舞台设计、搭建,设计、制作 各类广告,品牌管理,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,市 场信息咨询与调查(不得从事社会调查、社会调研、民意 调查、民意测验),影视策划。 【依法须经批准的项 目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 |
公司简介: |
世博威国际会展集团 Shibowei International Exhibition Group
世博威国际展览公司成立于2003年,历经17年的沉淀。公司自成立伊始,定位只专注于大健康产业博览会的搭建与资源整合,并于2013年组建世博威国际会展集团,旗下拥有国际展览公司、装饰工程公司、网络科技公司、文化传播公司、商贸服务公司等七家控股公司,致力于打造全球健康产业发展平台。 世博威会展集团始终奉行“市场化、专业化、国际化、品牌化”的经营理念,为健康产业提供全方位的市场营销及延伸服务。经过长期的经验积累,世博威现已提炼出一套符合会展行业发展规律,具有世博威特色的营销模式,并拥有长久而紧密的行业组织协作关系、广泛而稳定的***、***庞大的网络数据以及成熟稳健的市场销售团队。 集团的项目拓展是以北京、上海、成都、深圳等中国会展前线城市为中心,辐射***,面向国际。公司秉持“以人为本、尊重为纲,以客为友、信誉至上”的核心价值观,全力打造世界一流会展品牌,实现“创***博览、立国际化威名”的伟大愿景。
Shibowei International Exhibition Company was founded in 2003 and went through 17years. Since it was established, the company has been committed to the constructionand resource integration in the big health industry expo. In 2013, Shibowei InternationalExhibition Group was established, which has 7 holding companies that committedto building a platform of global health industry development:International ExhibitionCompany, Decoration Engineering Company, Network Technology Company,Cultural Communication Company and Trading Company etc
"Marketization, Specialization, Internationalization and Branding" is the thoughts ofmanagement of Shibowei Exhibition Group, and we can provide comprehensivemarketing and extension services for the health *域名隐藏* long-term experienceaccumulation, Shibowei has refined a set of development rules of exhibition industrywith the marketing mode of Shibowei、long-term and close industrial organization andcooperation relationship、extensive and stable customer resources、accurate andhuge network data and mature and steady marketing team
The company item was developed base in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Shenzhenet |